Consulting research facilities

how to sell a service to industry

In a nutshell

You are working at an accelerator facility and want to provide service to customers from industry? For example, you have unique experimental setups for high resolution material analytics that is not available at an open market? However, you have no in-depth experience with “business clients” and how to design and sell a service?

We offer a support in setting up a business model, and providing guidelines of best practices in the collaboration with industrial customers.


Identifying your value proposition for industry

Defining the service provision

Setting up a business model

Designing an efficient and reliable services offering and a process chain

Training of your staff that is interacting with the industry customer

Application example

An established accelerator facility decides to provide beam time to external users for example for performing unique and unprecedented material analysis or modification capabilities

Your benefit

Gaining recognition for the facilty due to the participation in technology transfer activities

Gaining recognition for the facilty due to the participation in technology transfer activities

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