
Booth in the industrial Exhibition of the EuroMembrane 2021
December 2021
I am very proud to present our own booth at the #EuroMembrane Conference in Copenhagen. For the first time we are promoting the material characterization service called “Positron Probing” to the #membrane community. You are welcome to visit our booth if you are attending the EuroMembrane from Nov. 29th until Dec. 2nd 2021.

November 2021
This innovation Conference and Expo was the first of its kind in Europe, although having a long history of the format in the US. In the advance material session Dr. Datzmann presented “Positron Probing” . This is a material characterization service to industry and academia, performing e.g. porosimetry of thin-film membranes or analyzing defects and vacancies in semiconductors.

Foundation of the Particle MiniBeam Therapy Group
Oktober 2021
Beginning of October, we held a very informative and productive workshop on Particle MiniBeam Therapy PMBT in Munich. It was a great pleasure to co-organize this workshop as a first of its kind bringing together the two groups in the world that are actively working on preclinical research in PMBT for almost 10 years now: Group of Yolanda Prezado, Orsay, France and group of Judith Reindl and Günther Dollinger, Munich, Germany
June 202
Anna Stenstam and Gerd Datzmann are presenting a network of Scientific Service Companies (SSCs) in a public online conference of the CAROTS project (September 2021). The topic of the conference was “innovation cohesion: A new approach to support industrial R&D”. Within the scope of the CAROTS project a network of SSCs in Europe was founded called MIXN. These scientific service companies are acting as mediators, connecting industry to X-ray and neutron facilities and other type of complex material characterization methods that are available at large research infrastructure. For more details, please watch the video recording of the conference at minute 31.
December 2020
The G-RAD workshop aims to put together testing facilities and radiation experts and stakeholders from industry and academia to stimulate discussion on current and future needs in radiation hardness testing and evaluate limitations of available radiation facilities and possible evolutions. This two-day workshop was organized by the Platform for Advanced Characterization Grenoble (PAC-G) and took place digitally on December 9th and 10th 2020.
December 2020
The workshop „Industrial applications of ion beam technologies“ took place on 3rd of December 2020 within the Framework of the RADIATE Program (Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe). Gerd Datzmann held an invited talk with the title “Radiation Facility and Industrial Customer: Facilitators and barriers impacting successful cooperation in the case of radiation hardness testing”.
November 2020
RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure proposal with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation. The RADNEXT proposal has been approved by the EU in November 2020. RADNEXT is expected to start in 2021.
November 2020
Frontiers in physics published an review article of Gerd Datzmann, et al. with the title „Preclinical Challenges in Proton Minibeam Radiotherapy: Physics and Biomedical Aspects“. This article is part of the research topic „Applied Nuclear Physics at Accelerators“.
January 2020
RADNEXT is an EU Horizon 2020 infrastructure proposal and stands for RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research. In January 2020 Gerd Datzmann joins the proposal preparation team and contributes to the generation of the proposal especially in the planned networking activities. The goal of RADNEXT is to initiate strong network of radiation facilities for qualifying electronic components to be used applications where radiation is a possible risk for failures especially in space but also in aviation and ground level applications.
December 2019
The biannual magazine HIGHLIGHTS issued by the ENLIGHT platform presents in the perspective section and article written by Alberto Degiovanni, Judith Reindl and Gerd Datzmann with the title: "Proton Minibeam Therapy – A big step into the future of precision tumor therapy". (see link page 14)

Datzmann interact & innovate is funded by the BMBF
June 2019
In June 2019 the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) grants funding for a 3-year study performed by Datzmann interact & innovate (DINI). This project is running within a proposal by the Institut für angewandte Physik und Messtechnik (LRT2) from Universität der Bundeswehr München. The grant is part of the framework „Erforschung von Universum und Materie – ErUM“. DINI conducts a study on “Industrial use of and innovation through university driven instruments utilizing particle beams at large scale accelerator facilities”. The core objective of this interdisciplinary investigation is to support and enforce the transfer of ideas and technology from the ion beam research facilities and utilize it for generating innovative high-tech products and services in industry.

June 2019
The European Network for Light ion Hadron Therapy (ENLIGHT) invites Gerd Datzmann to give a presentation at the 2019 annual meeting in Caen, France. The title of the talk is “Proton minibeam therapy by focused beams”. Proton minibeam radiotherapy is considered one of three most promising new fields in biomedical applications at particle accelerators. The talk reviewed the recent preclinical experiments performed successfully at the Garching Tandem-accelerator with the instrument SNAKE.