Feasibility studies

In a nutshell

You have a material analysis challenge that cannot be solved by standard analytics available at B2B markets? You have a R&D question and have heard that nuclear physics instruments and methods are a unique possibility to get it solved? You know about the technical requirements of your use case, but you do have an in-depth knowledge on accelerator technologies?

We can assist you in discussing your requirements and evaluate in a structured approach if there is a technological solution that can meet your goals.


Assessing your desired application with in-depth discussion on all aspects and requirements

Analyzing the existing accelerator and ion beam technology for a match to your demands

Depending on the outcome, three possible approaches could be followed up:

1. A suitable setup at an university or research facility already exists. We support you in getting access to this institution

2. No suitable setup exist. We assist you in finding an scientific partner that is interested in performing a joint university-industry research project

3. We offer to perform a feasibility study evaluating an accerator technology and/or instrumentation setup that is capable to solve the challenge

Generating cost estimations for the selected option

Application example

Identifying the pore size of nano pores in thin-film membranes with accuracies in the nm range without destroying the sample

Doping of semiconductor devices with the requested ions by implantation

Measuring hydrogen content and microscopic 3D-distributions with sensitivities in the ppm region and lateral resolution in the µm range

Characterising element distributions in thin layers (<1 µm) with a depth resolution in the nm rang and sensitivities in the ppm region and lateral resolution in the µm range. This applies especially for all light elements including hydrogen, where classical x-ray method to not work reasonably.

All Services for Academia & Institutions